Resumen del curso

At the conclusion of the course, students will be able to: Interpret practical, theoretical and personal skills required for senior management roles within a variety of international culinary arts organisations. Synthesise strategic, organisational and marketing processes of a commercial hospitality enterprise within the context of the global nature of the business.

Lo que vas a aprender

Modern Hospitality Marketing This module aims to enable students to gain an understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of marketing strategy and has been designed to apply to any profit or non-profit organisation, or any product or service. Students will choose one tourist destination and analyse their marketing strategy. You are asked to demonstrate an understanding of the nature of strategic decisions, and the problem types that require their implementation. Thus, the study of marketing is studied at a level of some sophistication yet is appropriate for students with a variety of marketing expertise. The module aims to develop students' ability in managing a complex assessment that mirrors the thought process involved in outcome prediction. This is the study of risk reduction, a perspective fundamental to the study and practice of marketing. The assessment for this unit is concerned with the critical analysis of potential marketing strategies in terms of their suitability and applicability to analyse a market with which they are currently involved, or with which they aim to become involved, and therefore is intended to have both educational and pragmatic outcomes. Creative Manager Students will demonstrate and critically evaluate creative solutions in pursuit of personal, group and organisational aims and objectives. Students are expected to undertake an individual and team approach to creative management and development that delivers a guided process of assessment and reflection Hotel Finance & Control Systems There is a need for businesses managers to understand a business financial activity beyond the daily operational needs to be able to effectively invest financial resources and sustain the business with the strategic direction set by the board of directors. This module will provide students with perspectives extended knowledge of corporate finance, particularly the relationship between time and the value of money. People Management and Performance This unit requires developing a critical approach to the analysis of people as performers in service organisations and problem solving in similar contexts. It encourages examination and questioning of traditions and the nature of perceived constraints and the contribution of other functional aspects of people management and performance processes Culinary Hospitality Enterprise Project Students are to work in groups to create a restaurant concept for presentation. The concept should be indicative of the trends and landscape of the modern restaurant and hospitality industries. Students will present their concept in groups of 3-4 and will be judged based on the realism, appropriateness, and innovative elements of a new restaurant concept in modern cuisine Culinary Masterclass Students will be guided to develop a research skills mindset in context of a style of cuisine and its origins, as well as the contemporary issues in that region. This will culminate in the students involvement in the bi-annual Research Conference, where all of the Culinary Masters students will present their research topics in Poster Board format, for judging in the Culinary competition. Students will learn how to engage in market as well as academic research, while building competence and confidence in academic expression for writing in completion for the Master’s Degree level. Modern Gastronomy This module introduces the student to gastronomy and gastronomic heritage, focusing on the role of beverages, the history of meals and their significance to both guests and service providers, the history and importance of restaurants and the development of gastronomic writing. Contemporary regional and indigenous cuisines are explored, including the importance of ethical foods such as organics, the slow food movement, socially responsible food and sustainable or eco-gastronomy. Also covered will be the newer entries to the food landscape, such as the molecular gastronomy revolution, and the rise of vegan cuisine.

Detalles del curso

¿A quién va dirigido este curso?

Cultivate a professional management attitude by nurturing the creative development of innovative ideas and solutions. Confidently debate, research and synthesise theories while evaluating organisational learning. Critically analyse different multilateral institutions and transnational organisations including and evaluation of their impacts involved in international tourism and heritage tourism management.