Resumen del curso

The Bachelor of Business focuses on professional and personal development, combining contemporary student and employer requirements with the latest practical and theoretical knowledge. This course includes immersive work-integrated learning that allows you to gain real-life experience and explore career options in the hospitality sector, across different industries and organisations.

Lo que vas a aprender

Lo que vas a aprender
This is a very hands-on course which requires supervised placements and a desire to learn on the job. All units combine theory and practice to prepare you for immediate employment on graduation. At least one Major will need to be selected by the end of your first year. Minors are formed by selecting three units from any other Major, and Electives can be individual units from any Major. YEAR 1: SUBJECTS -Reasoning and Communication -Business Information Systems -Management and Organisational Behaviour -Design Thinking in Business -Business Data Analysis -Accounting Principles and Practice -Workplace Health and Safety -Introduction to Marketing -Work Integrated Learning Foundation Theory and Practical YEAR 2: SUBJECTS -Work Integrated Learning Placement -Business Law -Business Finance -4x Major/ Minor / Elective Units YEAR 3: SUBJECTS -Work Integrated Learning Placement -Decision Making and Leadership -Strategic Management -5x Major/ Minor / Elective Units

Detalles del curso

¿A quién va dirigido este curso?

Applicants who wish to forge a career in the modern business world are encouraged to consider this undergraduate degree. Applicants will become knowledgeable and employable graduates with highly transferable business skills learned through career-focused activities. Admission criteria: -Applications with higher education study: Applications with previous higher education study will be eligible for entry into Le Cordon Bleu’s vocational education training (VET) and/or higher education programs. Academic Credit will be assessed upon application and approved Academic Credit will be detailed in the Letter of Offer. Successful completion of an approved undergraduate degree will be required for entry into our postgraduate programs. -Applicants with VET study: Applications with recognised VET studies will be eligible for entry into Le Cordon Bleu’s VET and undergraduate programs. Academic Credit will be assessed upon application and approved Academic Credit will be detailed in the Letter of Offer. -Applicants with work and life experience: Applicants who are over 21 years of age at the time of application are entitled to consideration for entry as mature-age students. For entry into undergraduate and postgraduate programs applicants must have at least three years' work experience at a supervisory/management level as deemed relevant by the Executive Dean of Le Cordon Bleu Australia or nominee. -Applicants with secondary education: Applicants will be required to have successfully completed an Australian Year 11 (for VET programs) or Year 12 program (for undergraduate programs) or recognised foundation program. No ATAR is required. There is no expiry date on completion of these qualifications.