Résumé du cours

The course examines how design can transform the experience and value of services, making them compelling to users, as well as attractive and profitable for the organizations that deliver them. It educates students in customer-centric design thinking and in the very latest techniques and tools of Service Design. Students learn how to design service processes in order to create servicescapes that enhance the overall guest experience. The participants are expected to watch all the video content of the course instructors under each module, read the coursebook and then take the quiz. The quiz can be taken 3 times and we recommend that participants watch the videos and read the course book until they feel they master the topic.

Ce que vous apprendrez

Ce que vous apprendrez
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be familiar with: the Design Thinking methodology and key concepts and models of Service Design and customer-centric product development the key practical tools of Service Design

Détails du cours

À qui s'adresse ce cours?

Course materials: 27 videos, over 3,5 h of video material, coursebook: Practical Access to Service Design, 1 quiz. Estimated total study time 135 h Course outline Module 1. WHAT IS SERVICE DESIGN Module 2. UNDERSTANDING Module 3. THINKING Module 4. GENERATING Module 5. FILTERING Module 6. PROTOTYPING Module 7. REALIZING