Résumé du cours

One of the cornerstones of our Boost Your Career course is the moderated exclusive expert sessions with the likes of ‘the Larry King of Podcasting’ Jordan Harbinger (whose show The Jordan Harbinger Show was voted Apple’s ‘Best of 2018’), award-winning concierge Sarah Dandashy, Guinness World Record holder as the most prolific professional blogger, and current Head of Remote at GitLab Darren Murph, and celebrity personal branding expert and author Phil Pallen. In these sessions, you will acquire unique insights on topics such as personal branding, networking, job searching, social media marketing, and time management, which will all de facto boost your career. This course is highly valuable to any service business professional, who wants to look for a career move and needs tools to achieve it.

Ce que vous apprendrez

Ce que vous apprendrez
Course objectives Upon completing this course, you are able to: set short- and long-term realistic and concrete career goals create a personal action plan brand your skills and personal experiences develop your job searching skills expand your network find great job opportunities land the perfect job improve your time management skills Skills Goal-setting Job searching Branding yourself Networking Personal time management

Détails du cours

À qui s'adresse ce cours?

Course material: 27 video lessons, over 3 h of video material, 3 workbooks to support your study progress, assignments, 3 quizzes, additional academic reading of a total of an estimated total study time of 54 hours. Course outline Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Your Goals and Action Plan Module 3: Effective Job Searching Module 4: Fluid Flow of Your Time Management Module 5: Summary