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Robinson Club

Robinson Club

Hanovre, Allemagne

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En tant que membre de Hosco, vous accédez à un contenu dédié et à des milliers d'offres d'emplois et de stages dans le monde entier.


The TUI Group is the world’s number one in the tourism business. The Group’s hotel portfolio includes premium-market ROBINSON Clubs that are well known for their exclusive surroundings and special atmosphere and the all-inclusive club brand TUI MAGIC LIFE. This is due to the very innovative holiday concept we have designed, how warmly we treat each other and our guests, and especially because of our employees. They have continued in keeping the ROBINSON success story going, which began nearly 50 years ago, in over 40 extraordinary locations around the world. It is only because of them that ROBINSON is able to call itself the German market leader for club holidays in the premium segment.

The all-inclusive club brand TUI MAGIC LIFE offers the widest range of all-inclusive holidays on the German market. The wide range of sports and entertainment options ensure that families, singles, couples and groups enjoy a variety-filled holiday at no extra cost. All 15 clubs are currently located directly by the sea and each has a different profile and focus.

Actualités récentes de Robinson Club

Nous recrutons !
Night Auditor (m/w/d)
Antimachia, Greece
Voir les emplois en Robinson Club
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Tout voir
Où nous trouver
Karl-Wiechert-Allee, Hannover, Germany
Employeurs suggérés
Craves Hotel
Bruxelles, Belgique
Rome, Italie
Engel Gourmet&Spa
Welschnofen, Italie
Les Oliviers de Palombaggia
Porto-Vecchio, France
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