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En tant que membre de Hosco, vous accédez à un contenu dédié et à des milliers d'offres d'emplois et de stages dans le monde entier.


The one80 concept is simple – we are devoted to offering uncomplicated, good food and drink. While we carry out extensive research before putting together our menus, we want to let our dishes do the talking, resulting in easy, relaxed and modern cuisine that bursts with flavour and elegance.

Our strength lies in the quality of the ingredients that we source for our restaurants – from local fish and premium beef to international wines and homemade desserts.

We strive to support local farmers and fishermen by working with Maltese and Gozitan suppliers renowned for their high-quality produce. Each of our venues is designed to create a welcoming ambience where guests can feel right at home while enjoying a freshly prepared meal among friends.

Our kitchens and bars are equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and technology, which are handled by our talented and respected chefs. To truly understand the one80 experience, we invite you to visit one of our four outlets in Malta and Gozo.

Actualités récentes de one80

Nous recrutons !
Restaurant Server
Ghajnsielem, Malta
Sushi and Crudi Chef
Ghajnsielem, Malta
Waiter / Waitress
Il-Mellieħa, Malte
Chef de Partie
Ghajnsielem, Malta
Voir les emplois en one80
Photos et vidéos
Tout voir
Où nous trouver
30 Triq il-Wied ta' Ruman, Il-Mellieħa, Malta
Employeurs suggérés
Craves Hotel
Bruxelles, Belgique
Rome, Italie
Engel Gourmet&Spa
Welschnofen, Italie
Les Oliviers de Palombaggia
Porto-Vecchio, France
Voir plus
Bienvenue sur votre compte employeur

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