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MIRAMONTI Boutique Hotel

MIRAMONTI Boutique Hotel

Avelengo, Italy

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Boasting a breathtaking view and surrounded by ancient woodlands, the MIRAMONTI is a annual opened hotel business built on porphyry in the mountains, located 1,230 m above sea level, high above the city of Merano - Avelengo, North Italy.

The family-run boutique hotel by Carmen & Klaus Alber convinces with 44 rooms in 5 styles, 3 different restaurants and a unique SPA area embedded in nature.

A place where tranquility and nature, luxury and modesty, tradition and modernity, beauty and freedom meet. Our values are based on humanity, hospitality, tradition paired with innovation, and above all, quality.

“Hard to find, hard to forget” - that’s how the MIRAMONTI should be remembered.

    44 in 5 styles
    all year long
    Avelengo, Alto Adige
    Klaus Alber & Carmen Kruselburger
MIRAMONTI Boutique Hotel

Actualités récentes de MIRAMONTI Boutique Hotel

Nous recrutons !
Facchino (m/f/n)
Avelengo, Italy
Voir les emplois en MIRAMONTI Boutique Hotel
Photos et vidéos
Tout voir
Où nous trouver
Via S. Caterina, 14, 39010 Merano BZ, Italy
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