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Discovery Hotel Management Portugal

Discovery Hotel Management Portugal

Lisbon, Portugal

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DHM - Discovery Hotel Management was born in September 2012 to manage a set of hospitality real estate assets, and currently, has a team of highly skilled professionals in both the real estate and tourism industries.

The concept behind the Discovery hotels is founded on authenticity, informality, and respect for the unique characteristics of the destinations where they are located. Each hotel has its own identity and promotes experiences in harmony the region and the natural surroundings. DHM aims to improve the management, sustainability, and performance of its hotel units.

    Design Collection
    Hotels & Resorts
    Villas & Apartments
    Branded Hotels
Discovery Hotel Management Portugal

Actualités récentes de Discovery Hotel Management Portugal

Nous recrutons !
Voir les emplois en Discovery Hotel Management Portugal
Où nous trouver
R. Joaquim António de Aguiar 66, 1070-051 Lisboa, Portugal
Employeurs suggérés
Craves Hotel
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Engel Gourmet&Spa
Welschnofen, Italie
Les Oliviers de Palombaggia
Porto-Vecchio, France
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