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Barcelo Hotel Group

Barcelo Hotel Group

Palma, Espagne

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En tant que membre de Hosco, vous accédez à un contenu dédié et à des milliers d'offres d'emplois et de stages dans le monde entier.


The Barceló Group, founded in 1931 by Simón Barceló in the island of Mallorca (Spain), is a vertically integrated tourism group that is made up of the Barceló Hotel Group, which has more than 250 hotels and more than 55,000 rooms in 22 countries; and by the travel division Ávoris, which has more than 700 travel agencies on 4 continents, several tour operators and receptive operators, and even an airline.

Working at Barceló means being part of a project. It's not because we are the second largest hotel chain in Spain, nor because our growth is unstoppable. The real reason is that we are a people-oriented company that works for people. Wherever you are, you can always go further.

We believe in respect, effort and the ability to excel. In an industry that is constantly evolving, and with such a diverse, multidisciplinary team, rigid structures have no place. Dynamism is in the company’s DNA and that’s why we’re committed to the education, training and continuous development of our team.

Since 1989 the company has been channeling its social work through the Barceló Foundation, which collaborates in health, education, economic development and culture projects in underdeveloped countries.

At Barceló our motto is: wherever you are, you can always go further.

Actualités récentes de Barcelo Hotel Group

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Voir les emplois en Barcelo Hotel Group
Où nous trouver
Palma, Balearic Islands, Spain
Employeurs suggérés
Craves Hotel
Bruxelles, Belgique
Rome, Italie
Engel Gourmet&Spa
Welschnofen, Italie
Les Oliviers de Palombaggia
Porto-Vecchio, France
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