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Atlante Hotels

Atlante Hotels

Rome, Italie

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The glamorous soul of the Hotel Atlante has two hearts with a view that beat in two twin locations, a few steps away from San Pietro. The Hotel Atlante Star, just two blocks from St. Peter's Basilica, is located in via Giovanni Vitelleschi 34, while the Atlante Garden stands out at 78 via Crescenzio. Both of our 4-star hotels, which house 70 luxurious rooms, are just a few minutes' walk from the Vatican, Castel Sant'Angelo and via Cola di Rienzo, the lively shopping street in the heart of the Prati district. They are also an excellent starting point for reaching Piazza Cavour, the picturesque Rione Borgo and Piazza Navona.

    Azienda familiare
    Terrazza storica di Roma

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Où nous trouver
Via dei Bastioni, 1, 00193 Roma RM, Italy
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