Professional Advanced Diploma in Italian Culinary Arts

Professional Advanced Diploma in Italian Culinary Arts

CAST AlimentiBrescia, Italy



Résumé du cours

The profession of the Chef: passion, competence and commitment The Advanced Diploma in Italian Culinary Arts is an effective, all rounded and challenging training updated method which allows the student to promptly develop all the notions including the practical skills, rooting from the foundations of the culinary arts and stretching to contents and knowledge of the highest level. Proficiency, Technique and Sustainability defines the key words of this profession, which requires commitment, in-depth knowledge, hands-on skills, but mostly an unbounded passion.

Ce que vous apprendrez

The first 16 weeks of training are delivered in advanced technology classrooms equipped with single workstations. Here, many subjects are assessed, belonging to a specific programme that includes the fundamental basic techniques of food processing, traditional and modern cooking systems, the aesthetics and pairing principles to enhance the creativity of the dishes, an organized, rational and efficient working method with particular focus on the reduction of food waste, the specific equipment and their criteria of use, the proposal of a successful gastronomy offer able to combine taste and health. At the end of the training weeks in the classroom, the students complete and enrich their educational experience with two periods of 16 weeks of practical internship in some of the most qualified restaurants/companies in Italy, selected by CAST Alimenti. The training will also be completed within the CAST Main Kitchen Classroom, a unique and exclusive environment of its kind in Italy, equipped with the most modern and advanced kitchen technologies on the market, an innovative space also in the layout, thanks to the diversification of the environments. Here the student, under the supervision of trainers, will live the experience of working as in a real kitchen brigade, immersed in an operative environment quite similar to the kitchen of a fine-dining restaurant; He will be personally involved in the production and delivery of the required services, simulating different types.

Détails du cours

À qui s'adresse ce cours?

This inspirational Professional Advanced Diploma is open to whoever is passionate about cooking and has the ambition to pursue a rewarding career in food, desire to learn or fine-tune the chef profession, master practical skills in the kitchen and gain an insight into the organizational and managerial aspects of a culinary business. Even though it is not mandatory, we do recommend a brief prior experience in the culinary or catering industry as a starting point. Number of participants per edition: closed number The course is in italian. So, for attending it, a minimum knowledge of Italian language is required (B1 or B2 level). During the teaching period, for recipes, for theoretical lessons specific support will be given in English for the foreign students.